
Tvtropes half life 2
Tvtropes half life 2

tvtropes half life 2

Other than that, however, they can work in just about any hazardous environment. Most of the stalkers' internal organs have been removed, and they are dependent on some kind of saline solution provided by the Combine for survival. Knowing how brutally efficient the Combine are, that's almost a guarantee. They'll continue to live as long as they're refueled and properly maintained. Alyx prays that the stalkers don't remember who they were, and they are also implied to be immortal.

  • Stalkers ◊ are mutilated, forcefully cyborged vestiges of human beings, who are completely dependent on their mechanical limbs, and forced into service to alien rulers.
  • Additionally, their glowing goggles and the Source AI's slight datedness (resulting in them often staring into walls when idle) just gives them a real Uncanny Valley.

    tvtropes half life 2

    Considering that they're all transhuman cyborgs, this could be far creepier than it first appears to be. What might be a small bit of Fridge Horror, but the Combine soldiers have absolutely no idle animation unless scripted to, whatsoever they're jarringly rigid in such a realistic-for-its-time game.Coupled with a near-by guy saying "I'm glad there are no kids around to see this" kinda gives you an "oh crap" moment of realization. Picking up a baby doll in a decrepit playground at the very beginning of the game will produce the sound of what is either children happily screaming or terrified children screaming.The opening is creepy! Not only does it feature the G-man (who was already discussed in the Series-wide folder above), it also features flashbacks to the anti-mass spectrometer that caused the resonance cascade, complete with that ever-present humming noise.

    Tvtropes half life 2